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Everything you need for your new lawn in one convenient Ultimate Pack. Including Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser, Lawn Solutions Premium Lawn Food aftercare fertiliser and Oxafert weed pre-emergent. This pack, with the added weed pre-emergent is great if you're laying your lawn in Autumn or Winter. It is recommended to fertilise your lawn at the beginning of every season.


Lawn Launcher Starter Fertiliser is a granular formula to be spread out on the soil prior to laying the lawn. After laying, water in well.

Premium Lawn Food is to be used once the lawn has established roots, usually around 6 weeks after laying (season and variety dependent).

OxaFert is a weed pre-emergent for most warm-season turf varieties. OxaFert will prevent targeted weed seedlings before they take hold, preventing them from growing and spreading through your lawn for up to 12 weeks. (Not for use on RTF Tall Fescue).

New Lawn Ultimate Pack

PriceFrom $100.00

    Don't forget!

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